Eduardo Cabral
Personal Information:
Eduardo Cabral was was born in Fortaleza, Brazil, also the birthplace of his parents. When he was six, his mother landed a job at IBM in Rochester, Minnesota. His family moved there, and that’s where he and his two younger siblings were raised.
He attended Harvard University and earned a bachelor’s degree in Political Science and Government. In his senior year, he found inspiration in a graduate seminar on political organizing given by Marshall Ganz, a public policy lecturer credited with creating the successful grassroots model and the training for President Barack Obama’s 2008 wining presidential campaign.
Eduardo brings a background in finance, government relations, and business development from his time as an associate at Bengal Capital, a cannabis-focused hedge fund, a participant with a Harvard Innovation Lab and MassChallenge backed GovTech start-up, and as a sales and trading summer analyst at Credit Suisse. Currently, he is a corporate development manager at the Obran Institute, a worker-owned conglomerate and private equity fund. Eduardo graduated with an A.B. in government from Harvard University.